The network of museums, historical towns, and castles of the Province of Massa Carrara is one of the most important museum networks in our country. As many as 17 sites have been ‘networked’ with the aim of not only promoting cultural tourism, but also to give the...
Antea is a company of services that deals with tourism promotion and enhancement of the Po Delta Park. It manages museums and exhibitions and organizes, among other things, nature trails on small boats to discover the Comacchio valleys and the numerous and evocative...
Many are the reasons why the MUSE, the wonderful Science Museum of Trento designed by Renzo Piano, deserves a visit. In addition to the extremely wide botanic, zoological and mineral collections, the Museum contains the reconstructions of some natural environments,...
The Jewish Museum of Venice, founded in 1954, is squeezed between two synagogues in campo (as the small squares of Venice are called) of Ghetto Novo (translated into “The New Ghetto” although it is the oldest Jewish ghettos of the world). The museum, inserted in a...
The Religious Works of the Diocese of Ravenna manage the monuments declared by Unesco as a “patrimony of humanity”. These include the Basilica of San Vitale, the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare in Classe, the Baptistery, the Archdiocesan...