Personalised Tar Paper® stationery
The Tar Paper® collection created for Emporio Armani is particularly eye-catching. These telephone books, jotters, notebooks, and letter-paper sets are given extra natural appeal by their content of straw-paper: rough paper made from the pulp of recycled materials....
Recycled leather (Ricuoio®) produced by Arbos for Emporio Armani
Sketchbooks and notebooks are transformed into stylish objects when covered in recycled leather in a warm Havana brown. This is a classic example of how a clean, simple design can add special value to recycled...
Customised stationery for Emporio Armani
This collection of stationery produced by Arbos from recycled paper features different variations on the theme of black and grey. It includes notepads, sketchbooks, business cards and letter-paper, all marked with the distinctive logo of Italy’s top fashion...
Notepads and sketchbooks created for Emporio Armani
These very original sketchbooks made from recycled paper are designed to encourage creativity, one of the great strengths of Italian manufacturing. They have been exclusively created for Emporio...
Italian eco-products for Paperchase
Rainbow colours and recycled materials feature in our special collections for the famous English chain of stationery shops. Recycled paper, straw-paper, and recycled cardboard and leather, have been made into stylish copybooks, notepads, jotters and folders. The...
Top designs in paper and pens
PRODIR, the leading international Swiss company which produces high-class promotional pens, has chosen Arbos to impress clients at its Zurich store with a line of notepads which bear comparison with its own prestigious...
Sketchbook in recycled paper for Habitat France
For the well-known chain of French department stores, Arbos has created a line of sketch books in recycled paper. They all feature very eye-catching, colourful covers, and come in some rather unusual formats. Other lines include sketch pads in original shapes and...
Ecological sketchbooks and block notes for Habitat France
[slider ids=”3732, 3734, 3733″] Habitat was one of the first European department store chains to introduce ecological stationery, and has always been very particular about the technical and aesthetic standards of its own-brand products. For this reason, it...
Arbos made eco-notebooks for Gulbla Company
The unmistakable characters of Walt Disney’s famous cartoons feature on the covers of the notebooks in straw-paper devised for the historic Swedish brand of...
Art, ecology and craftsmanship for BUFFETTI
Per il noto brand italiano di articoli per ufficio Arbos ha realizzato questa raffinata collezione dove la naturalità della cartapaglia si sposa con la preziosità di immagini raffiguranti famosi dipinti; il tutto declinato in album foto, taccuini, notes magnetici, set scrivania dal very natural look.

Ecological stationery for Nature & Découvertes
This famous French chain with its distinctive logo of the globe trotter turtle specialises in articles for outdoor living and travel. Arbos has created various lines of eco-stationery for the company, using its considerable experience in producing different types of...
Banca Intesa
Highly colourful exercise books and original spiral-bound notebooks for the Training Service of Banca...
Miluna e Yukiko: packaging for Italian luxury jewellery
Original display cartons designed and created for two historic brands of Italian luxury...
Qatar Foundation: recycled paper flies to Emirates!
A passion for equestrian activities of this country in the Arab Emirates is combined with a sharper focus on ecological issues. Notebooks in 100% recycled paper and pastels in natural wood devised for the Qatar Foundation,...
Pevonia Botanica: recycled paper for the wellness
One of the finest Italian companies in the sector of beauty and wellness, Pevonia offers valid products that uphold the values of eco-sustainability. Photo: writing articles by Arbos in various types of recycled...
Collection Writing by Ricuoio
The notebooks and copy-books in this collection, bound in recycled leather (Ricuoio®), are now among the most iconic of Arbos’ articles. The product is simple in design, clearly and definitively functional, and invitingly tactile: the recycled leather, warm and soft...
ORGANIC LINES small notebook
I quaderni ecologici della linea Organic Lines sono una delle novità introdotte da Arbos nella collezione 2015. Le loro copertine sono ispirate alle geometrie e alle forme da sempre presenti nel mondo vegetale, per dare vita a quaderni amici della natura in ogni senso.

GOTHIC small notebook
Anyone attracted to the world of the Gothic, and those mysterious tales pervaded by darkness and magic practices, is sure to love these original new notebooks, all made from recycled paper. The rough straw-paper cover is inscribed with graphic symbols derived from...
CAVE CANEM small notebook
“Cave canem” was often written on the entrance to villas in ancient Rome. Nowadays we write “Beware of the dog”, suggesting that dogs are fierce and threatening animals… We prefer to think that man’s best friend is naturally kind, gentle and… intelligent. And so these...