GOTHIC small notebook

GOTHIC small notebook

Anyone attracted to the world of the Gothic, and those mysterious tales pervaded by darkness and magic practices, is sure to love these original new notebooks, all made from recycled paper. The rough straw-paper cover is inscribed with graphic symbols derived from...
CAVE CANEM small notebook

CAVE CANEM small notebook

“Cave canem” was often written on the entrance to villas in ancient Rome. Nowadays we write “Beware of the dog”, suggesting that dogs are fierce and threatening animals… We prefer to think that man’s best friend is naturally kind, gentle and… intelligent. And so these...
KROMA small notebook

KROMA small notebook

“Colours are the universal language of the soul” wrote Wassily Kandisky. What better way to introduce the Kroma series of the new small copy-books made from recycled paper? Here’s a real rainbow of colours to start brightening up 2015. You can use the language of...