Arbos for MUSE museum in Trento
Many are the reasons why the MUSE, the wonderful Science Museum of Trento designed by Renzo Piano, deserves a visit. In addition to the extremely wide botanic, zoological and mineral collections, the Museum contains the reconstructions of some natural environments,...
La vita a pieno: the diary of Filippo Ongaro
Molti pensano che tenere un diario sia una cosa da adolescenti. Invece scrivere un proprio diario personale è una delle terapie naturali più efficaci contro l’insicurezza, gli sbalzi d’umore, la mancanza di focalizzazione e lo stress

Lace Collection – notebooks where innovation meets tradition – by Romina Carrisi Power
La collezione Lace creata da Romina Carrisi Power sa unire la modernità alla tradizione dell’artigianato artistico italiano riproponendo una grafica delicata, quasi sensuale che rimanda all’antica arte del merletto.

Quaderni/Disegni – Masterpieces, in the form of notebooks
“Quaderni/Disegni” is an evolution of the “Quaderno” conceived by Mala Arti Visive in 1994. The “Quaderni/Disegni” project has so far involved 6 top contemporary art galleries in Italy and other countries which, in turn, have selected 6 artists and invited them to...
Arbos for the Jewish Museum of Venice
The Jewish Museum of Venice, founded in 1954, is squeezed between two synagogues in campo (as the small squares of Venice are called) of Ghetto Novo (translated into “The New Ghetto” although it is the oldest Jewish ghettos of the world). The museum, inserted in a...
The mosaics of Ravenna: museum merchandising for a patrimony of humanity
The Religious Works of the Diocese of Ravenna manage the monuments declared by Unesco as a “patrimony of humanity”. These include the Basilica of San Vitale, the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare in Classe, the Baptistery, the Archdiocesan...
The Italian National Trust (FAI) chooses Arbos
“For the landscape, art and nature. For all people, for all time”. This is the motto of the FAI (The Italian National Trust), a prestigious foundation that has promoted the preservation and development of the historical, cultural and landscape heritage of our country...
Re-Use by Antonio Scarponi – the ecological and creative “notes-system”
Re-Use is the only ecological and creative “notes-system”. Re-Use consists of 2 types of binders that all take the standard A4 size paper. The binding exploits the universal punching system of the two-hole punches commonly found in offices.Re-Use is made entirely from...
Mecum Draft: the Italian notebook with a story inside
MECUMdraft: a notebook that is as innovative as the great Bodoni was: it provides 30% more space than normal notebooks, a completely flat opening for improved ease of writing and the exclusive patented pen holder bookmark.

Leaves: fascinating journals and objects in recycled leather
Journals with elegant bodonian binding and the objects with their essential design, have a pleasantly fresh, natural feel

Quaderni Aperti: copy-books to write in and to collect
Copy-books to write in and to collect, which take us back in time and show us how children – in their simple, direct way – have always sought to describe the world in which they live.

Sketchbooks and copybooks with recycled wood covers: WoodbyWood
WoodbyWood is an innovative material made by combining the waste from woodworking processes with sheets of paper or canvas. These are offcuts from quality timber which, due to their small size, cannot be used in industrial production. However, they are given new life...
Copybooks made with recycled leather (Ricuoio®): how wonderful!
If there is one freebie or company gift that attracts attention, it is surely an Arbos copybook made from recycled paper and with a recycled leather cover. In shades of anthracite or Havana, it has been described as a “sensual” product. But we mustn’t...
Paper and pen: an essential partnership
PRODIR, a Swiss company that is an international leader in the production of high-end promotional pens, chooses Arbos to create the “ideal places” for writing its prestigious pens. Swiss quality, Italian...
The COOP opts for recycled paper
Jotters, copybooks and folders in recycled paper are used by the COOP for its communications: a practical example of how this major retail company is committed to the ideas of sustainability and...
Recycled cardboard: from “big boxes” to design
Environmental awareness, a little creativity and ordinary cardboard used for packaging are combined to create highly efficient media of great visual effect. Arbos converts the recycled cardboard into boxes, packs and elegant...
Confartigianato chooses recycling
Ecological recycled paper and leather in the form of Arbos copybooks and folders are used in the Training School for the Craftsmen’s Trade...
The Miroglio Group prefers recycled paper
This large company, a leading example of Italian production, has always paid special attention to the theme of sustainability. This has also affected the way it priorities a use of recycled paper products for its...
Recycled paper meets Disneyland
What better way to introduce children to the subject of ecology than through the delightful Disney characters! For Disneyland Paris, Arbos has created a charming collection of copybooks, photo-frames, little boxes and albums: all made exclusively from quality recycled...