Companies nowadays need to ask themselves serious questions about the way they do business, to respond to the growing demands of consumers that they act in a responsible manner: both at an environmental and a social level.

Companies nowadays need to ask themselves serious questions about the way they do business, to respond to the growing demands of consumers that they act in a responsible manner: both at an environmental and a social level.
In 2019, we are celebrating the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death. A varied programme of events is taking place throughout Italy
The hen is one of the animals that most reminds us of this contact with nature that we want to rediscover…
The continuous increase in experiential tourism gives cultural institutions and museums, the aim of understanding how to fully seize the economic consequences of this trend.
The entire discussion revolving around Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Arbos can be summed up in the slogan: “bring into-take out of”.
How important is keeping a personal journal? Dr. Filippo Ongaro effectively explains this..
An exhibition on Adriano Olivetti was inaugurated last Friday in Bassano del Grappa; enlightened entrepreneur, innovator of social sciences, and precursor of architecture and design.
100% made in Italy 100% eco the official notebook of the Mantua Festivaletteratura made by Arbos
Invitation to “Interactive paper surface, paper and the territory” Saturday 05th May 2018
Romina Carrisi Power succeeds in conveying innovation and tradition with a light and romantic idea, by dressing Lace collection covers with extremely suggestive words and images.
Michelangelo Pistoletto was in Trentino to visit the Arte Sella Landart Park and unveil a work called "La Trincea della Pace" (The Trench of Peace) inspired by his Terzo Paradiso. [gallery size="medium" columns="1" link="none"...
We are artisans, with many projects in our heads. For several years, part of our profits has been destined to culture, art, and to all those initiatives that we believe can make the world a better place. Here some projects we will be sustain in the next months:...
During the Open days we had the chance to meet and talk with many paper enthusiasts: both those who had known us for a long time, although not personally, and those who came to know us thanks to the internet, word of mouth, or newspaper articles. Older, younger, young...
Arbos opens its doors! June 10th, 17th and 24th 2017 Three Saturdays to immerse yourself in the world of paper and recycled materials: see the equipment and discover how these magical materials are processed. Experienced craftsmen tell you all about it. It is an...
“For the landscape, art and nature. For all people, for all time”. This is the motto of the FAI (The Italian Environmental Fund), a prestigious foundation that has promoted the preservation and development of the historical, cultural and landscape heritage of...
Beautifully displayed inside the bookshop of the MUSE is the range of environmentally friendly stationery dedicated to the Museum and made by Arbos.
The 49th edition of the Suzzara Art Prize, one of the oldest awards for contemporary art in Italy, was held in Suzzara (Mantua) on Saturday, September 17th.
Arbos provided cartapaglia for a schoool project made in collaboration with the artist Maria Mariano in the elementary school in Strà, near Venice.
Arbos at the workshop in Venice regarding “Creative industries” on 13th April
Arbos holds a lesson laboratory at Liceo Artistico S. Boscardin in Vicenza. Students meet Sergio Paolin, the company founder.
TG BASSANO has told of the visit to Arbos on the 1st of March, of students of a school in the area of Bassano.
Every notebook is like a conversation between complementary shades: involving the colours of the cover, of the print content, and of the straw-paper insert between the two ruled sections.
Arbos’ quality in now in the e-commerce platform Libreriamo Store.
Arbos is now collaborating withTropico del Libro, a portal dedicated to publishing and a culture of awareness.