We really like slogans. Synthetic. Condensed. Suggestive. Ones that immediately stick in your mind.
The entire discussion revolving around Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Arbos can be summed up in the slogan: “bring into-take out of”.
Bring into the factory society, its needs and interests, as representatives of different social circumstances and categories of city dwellers.
Take out of the factory, the company’s know-how, technical and economic potential and put it at the service of society.
A continuous osmosis that Arbos developed last year as well, through numerous initiatives and by focusing on society, the district and its inhabitants.
Some prominent initiatives and others less noticeable, but all responding to our ethic of producing responsibly. It’s worth listing them.
>Interactive paper surface/paper and the territory. This was undoubtedly the most important event of 2018.
The company was literally invaded by hundreds of people who not only celebrated our anniversary of thirty years of business with us, but also enthusiastically attended the presentation of the multimedia work created by the artist, Andrea Santini, as part of the project by Arbos in collaboration with the Cà Foscari University in Venice.
>The Mantova Literature Festival. Last year, we embarked on a partnership with the most important literary festival in Italy and one of the biggest in Europe. Abros supported the festival by supplying thousands of free notebooks, made of paper and recycled leather: a tangible way to encourage an ever-growing public to appreciate recycled materials.
>Adriano Olivetti and beauty. This exhibition, to which Arbos contributed by making free exhibition stands out of recycled cardboard, was incredibly successful, allowing thousands of local people (especially students) to appreciate the mind and creativity of this great Italian entrepreneur, an example for contemporary business owners.
>RAMPS. A view of skate-boarding. Focusing on the youth of today and their interests fits in perfectly with the Arbos philosophy. Our involvement in the original exhibition, held in the Castle of the Ezzelini in Bassano del Grappa, was to create free exhibition structures, again made of paper and recycled cardboard.
>Mobile Library, Associazione Valbrenta Solidale , Vaghe Stelle trekking. These initiatives, which involve adults and children from the district every year, are just as important and rich in content. They are initiatives with excellent social value to which Arbos always makes a technical and financial contribution.
>Nursery schools and educational workshops. There is an area in our warehouse where, every day, we deposit coloured scraps, snippets of paper and cardboard, cardboard tubes and whatever else may be useful for encouraging children to play and for stimulating their creativity. We affectionately refer to it as “The teachers’ corner”. In 2018, schools in the district made excellent use of it.
Lastly, we want to recall the most important ppint, the one we care about most and which makes us most proud: our long-standing collaboration with the Occupational Integration Service for disadvantaged backgrounds of the ULSS (Local Health and social care facility) in Bassano del Grappa. In 2018, 3 people, with the assistance of the Service, took part in an employment inclusion path and the recovery of an active social role.
So, “bring into-take out of” then. A tangible commitment by all our team to make Arbos a socially responsible company.
Sergio Paolin, CEO of Arbos srl

Literature Festival of Mantova

Interactive paper surface/paper and the territory

Evening reading outdoors in a district of Bassano del Grappa. Set up made with Arbos cardboard cubes