“Feeding the Planet” is the theme chosen for the current Expo in Milan, and sustainability is certainly one of the main issues under review in the exhibition pavilions.
The supermarket chain Coop, in the context of its “Future Food District”, is showing its commitment to promoting sustainability and an ethical use of resources, and to encouraging greater awareness amongst consumers.
In line with this approach, Coop has chosen to provide visitors to the educational areas with customised notebooks, produced by Arbos from straw-paper and recycled paper. The main recipients will be school students and the various participants in the workshops being held inside the pavilion.
The safeguarding of woods and forests is a matter of great concern to Coop, and in recent years they have launched a number of initiatives to help prevent deforestation and promote the growth of sustainable production. These activities have included the decision to sell an increasing number of paper or wood-based products obtained from sustainable sources, and to use cellulose which is either FSC-certified or made from recycled paper for many of the products on sale in their supermarkets.
For this reason, Coop has been very careful in selecting the partners it wishes to work with, to ensure that its customers are receiving products that genuinely respect the environment.
Our collaboration with Coop during the Milan Expo is a source of great pride to everyone at Arbos.